Hi there! I’m Brittany.
I’ve been facilitating transformation for the past 17 years and am here to guide you through the journey of your own sexual liberation, healing and discovery of what is truly possible in your life.
In addition to being a Sexual Liberation and Relationship Coach, I am also a certified Sexologist with the ACS [Prov.], a Certified Practitioner of Authentic Tantra ® [Provisional], a writer and a yoga teacher.
My life now isn’t what I thought it would be 10 or even 5 years ago. My wants needs and desires were tangled with the societal conditioning that insidiously makes its way into our psyches. I wanted all the things I was “supposed to” want: a husband, a house, kids and a book deal.
And yes in many ways I was happy and even thriving but this is simply because I didn’t understand how much more was available to me. Because I allowed myself to float beneath the radar and not confront a lot of the wounds and trauma that I wasn’t ready to face.
Fast forward and I am now living a much different life than I ever knew was possible.

This wasn’t the dream I ever had but it’s definitely the dream I am so happy I discovered, or should I say it discovered me.
Growing up I had a very tumultuous relationship with sex and pleasure that was riddled with shame, guilt and self imposed restrictions. I contracted HSV 2 when I was 21 and that shame story was even more deeply enhanced as was the idea that even looking at another attractive person was a big no no thanks to a very controlling and manipulative relationship that lasted for 3 years.
For most of my twenties I scrambled to find validation through my looks, my body and attention from other men.
For half of my thirties I dove into charity work, traveled the world and started digging more deeply into my own heart and mind. This is when I met my husband. I felt so grounded and steady in our relationship. It was the first time I felt both deep affection and ease in a relationship.

Five years later we decided to open our relationship and all of my unprocessed shit started tumbling out. And my own personal sexual revolution began.
In this time I dove deep into kink exploration, finally connected with my bisexuality, settled into being polyamorous, studied Authentic Tantra ® and shifted from being a yoga teacher and transforation coach to what I’m doing now.
And I can easily say I’ve never felt more aligned with my purpose, healthy and deeply fulfilled. This doesn’t mean I still don’t struggle with my own trauma, hangups and wounds. In some ways I do more than ever because I am finally aware of them like never before.
But healing doesn’t mean we are “all better,” healing is understanding all the pieces that make us up and choosing to love ourselves more fiercely as a result. Healing is using this understanding to respond instead of react, to develop healthy boundaries and a connection to how we feel and what we need.