Damn, that Sh*t was a LOT

by brittanypolicastro

On Saturday I went for a chill dinner with my best friend.

It had been two week’s since we connected and I had a LOT to share.

First we sat at our favorite tea spot, sipped some herbal remedies and started to fill each other in.

Then we went to dinner and I continued my two week overview with some ahi tuna and paprika spoked whipped potatoes. Yum.

When all was said and done I was exhausted. I let out a big ass sigh.

Wow, that was a lot. 

In two weeks SO much had happened.

I experienced tons of breakthroughs. Many of which you got to experience with me.

I shared deep truths with you.

I shared my boudoir shoot with you.

I had some deep and transformative conversations with my finance’.

I hosted one of the most powerful retreats of my career.

I had a gum infection and had to get dental work full of lovely novocaine, pain relievers and antibiotics.

And on and on.

Like I said. A lot.

And while I could feel how much was going on while it was happening, there was a part of me that didn’t fully connect with it.

Until it was complete.

And I think we do that a lot. We are in something and while we are in it we aren’t able to process it fully.

It’s hard to do that while it’s on top of you.

I’ve been pushing a lot of edges lately. In a LOT of different ways. Some I’ve shared quite openly and some I have kept to myself.

And pushing edges is good. Great actually. It’s how we grow.

But we also have to have those moments of reprieve. It’s like the child’s pose after a crazy vigorous sequence.

What I realized is that for the past four months I have been hosting some big trainings, events and retreats where I held a ton of space for others to have big crazy breakthroughs and transformations. And at the same time I was having mine.

Again, a lot.

And as a result I wasn’t able to devote the time and energy needed to grow my business and work on some new projects I want to put out into the world.

We only have so much time and energy, especially when we are giving a lot to others.

So now it’s time to take a little rest.

Summer vacation so to speak.

I’m still teaching and working with all of my clients but I’m taking the summer off from big events and trainings.

I’m still writing but for the next few weeks I may chill on the edge pushing.

Really I’m gearing up to push a major edge on this blog in the next month.

To me, balance is about honoring the ebb and flow. Sometimes we go hard for bit and sometimes we need to pull back and let it flow.

Right now I’m letting it flow.

What about you? What end of the spectrum have you been on??

Is it time to push or time to pull back?

So you need a little break or do you need to dig deeper?

Get honest. Then give yourself what you need.

Let me know in the comments below…

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