The Breakthrough Blog Turns One Year Old

by brittanypolicastro

One year ago today I wrote my very first breakthrough blog. 

I decided to start writing about my breakthroughs because I found myself having so many of them.

I thought that if this awareness was coming up so deeply and so certainly then why not share it with as many people as possible.

And what I found is that what I’m going through so many others are going through too. In their own unique way.

This shit is relatable.

So I kept writing.

I wrote about having genital herpes for the past 15 (now 16) years.

I wrote about what Black Lives Matters means to me as the partner of a black man and the future mother of biracial babies.

I wrote about my emotionally abusive relationship and the scars it left behind.

I even wrote about getting naked for my very first (and definitely not my last) boudoir shoot, with pics to match.

It was scary and challenging.

But also it was so very empowering.

Because we need to be honest about who we are.

We need to love ourselves despite any judgment that may be flung our way.

Remember other people’s judgement of you isn’t about you. It’s about them.

We need to listen to the inner most stirrings that are tenderly knocking on the door of our hearts.

We need to be brave.

Or realize that we already are.

Do this and you will be a breakthrough bad ass.

I bet you already are.

Thank you for seeing me and all my messy, beautiful pieces.

Thank you for hearing me and the words I etched across the screen.

And thank you for sharing all of your stories, your truths and your breakthroughs with me.

And by all means. Keep them coming.

In Love and Breakthroughs,


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Danny June 14, 2017 - 3:04 pm

Happy Anniversary! And Thankyou ,Love your blogs ,and your yoga class.

Mom June 15, 2017 - 11:43 am

Happy One Year Anniversary!!!!
Keep up the good work you are doing.
It’s great to see how many people you are helping. So very proud of you my sweet daughter. Love you!❤?❤?⚘??

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