I had another blog written.
I wrote it last night sure that Hilary Clinton was going to be elected.
Sure that there was no way in all the world that hate and fear would win this election.
But I was wrong. But only about the election. Not about believing hate and fear wouldn’t win.
Because just because Donald Trump has been elected as President of the United States doesn’t mean we need to give in to the fear, the hate, the separation.
There is a BIGGER plan here. And it is drenched in love, compassion and truth.
I know this.
I also know that this is terrifying. This is unbelievable.
But my dear loves, this is the reality.
We are being called for much much bigger work than I thought we would be.
We are being called to go so deep into the fire. So deep into the darkest of nights.
But together we can. Our lights are so fucking bright.
Today we mourn. Today we cry. Today we rage.
But tomorrow and every single day after that we heal. We unite. We love.
We love those different than us.
We stand in solidarity with those directly threatened by these massive shifts including people of color, the LBGTQ community, Muslims, immigrants, the disabled and our beautiful earth.
We SEE each other beyond the ballot we cast at the polls.
We forgive.
We stand in our power.
We love.
We must do these things. We can’t be complacent.
There is SO much work to be done. And it starts in our own hearts. Then it continues into our communities. And it follows into the spots where we are afraid to go.
I am committed to this unfolding of this mystery. It is scary. But I believe in my own beating heart.
I believe in you.
I believe in us.
***I invite you to engage in this free practice I created a few months back to help move through grief and fear. Check it out by CLICKING HERE. ***