I Got Engaged. Donald Trump Got Elected.

by brittanypolicastro

So last weekend I got engaged!!!

Here are some pics…









Three days later the world as we knew it ended, aka Donald Trump was elected president.

The election Trumped my freakin’ engagement. Yup.

So this week I’m going to talk about both. Because I can’t not.

After Nick proposed on a bunch of boulders we climbed, right after I was playing in a tree (of course) we proceeded to hike what we thought was our way back to the beginning.

We hiked and hiked and hiked.

I started getting dizzy.

It started getting dark.

The next thing we knew it was black as night, oh wait, it was night. And we could barely see the markers trying to lead us to the promised land- our car.

I got scared. I felt like crap. I was done (and I mean DONE) an hour before that.

I wasn’t sure we would make it out. I thought we may need to call for help but had no idea where to even call. The help center was closed.

Basically we were fucked.

And then we saw some light. And then we found the main path. And then we found our car.

And the whole way we were kind to each other. We rallied. We hauled ass and made it out.

Ok I know you know what I’m getting at here.

I also know that Nick and I getting lost in the woods is really nothing like us being stuck with Donald Trump for president.

But here’s the thing. For the past week, hell for the past year, all many of us have been talking about is what a racist, sexist, xenophobic, orange, ect ect ect piece of crap Donald Trump is.

And now that he has been elected all many people are talking about is how horrible the next 4 years are going to be.

Ok, not ALL. But this is the topic on many a Facebook post, and on the tip of many people’s tongues.

And yes, things could get bad. I am not for one moment ignoring that.

Things are bad. Things could get worse. People are in danger. I know this.

But although this feels like the only way the story could possible unfold because of XY and Z factors, it’s not the only way.

And I know some of you are not ready to hear this quite yet, but I am going to say it anyway….


I truly mean this. From an ENERGETIC perspective Donald Trump was elected because he is all we have been talking about for the last year.

We have poured our energy into him. Whether we were against him or for him doesn’t matter, energy is energy.

And attention goes where energy flows.

When I work with clients and students and they are having an issue with something or someone I often tell them to hold space for that person or thing to change.

Because if we expect the person to show up in one particular way over and over, they will.

But if we hold space for change, even in a person that we feel deep in our bones is incapable of change, we will raise our own vibration.

We will shed some of the negativity that can weigh us down and create separation and perpetuate fear.

Now by no means am I saying we need to be naive, or complacent or unrealistic. No way.

We can see what is happening but choose to simultaneously hold space for light. For change. For a vision we create from our own hearts.

This is what I am choosing to do. Because the heaviness and pain of the negativity feels like poison in my veins.

It may look dark. It may seem like there is no way out. But there always is. Trust.

There was a point in the hike where I really started to panic. In that moment I realized I was giving my power away to the fear.

I stopped, took a breath and asked for guidance. I asked that we find our way back in the next 15 minutes.

And that is exactly what happened.

We can find our way. But not back. We must move forward.

If you need some guidance getting into a more compassionate space. Try this meditation. It’s an oldie but a goodie…



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