Why Do We Project All of Our Shit onto Love??

by brittanypolicastro

I’ve been thinking a lot about love lately…

Because I’ve been talking a lot about love lately.

Like what happens when you are in an open relationship and you fall in love with someone else??

What does that mean?

Does it take away from the love you have with your primary partner?

Does it mean that things need to change?

For all intense purposes I am in love with my best friend.

We just talked about it the other day. How we are in love.

It’s just not romantic love. But it’s love.

So why is my love for her not the same?

I feel it so deeply. It’s love.

Why is it that having a sexual relationship with someone makes that love SO different?

Is it really that different? Or do we simply think that it is?

These are some of the conversations I’ve been having lately.

So as I said, it’s been on my mind.

A lot of the messaging around love is as follows:

Love is scary. 

Love hurts. 

Love will break your heart. 

Love is hard. 

Love complicates things. 

And on and on…

But wait a second?

Does love do any of those things.


If you give it a second thought you will realize the answer is no.

People do those things.

And not because they are in love.

But because they are afraid of love.

Love is pure energy.

It’s of an extremely high vibration. And as a result will never hurt you.

So in my humble opinion it’s not fair to be a afraid of it.

I think if love had an actual voice it would say the following:

Stop putting your shit on me. Stop projecting all of your fears and insecurities on me. It’s not fair. You are not seeing me clearly. Your junk is in the way. Drop it. And be in a true relationship with me. 

I just think our culture presents love in such an inaccurate light and as a result we are walking around this planet terrified of it.

I wonder what would happen if we stopped being afraid.

If we let it in.

All the way.

I think this world would be SO different.

Actually I KNOW this world would be so different.

So I’ve decided to let go of my fears of love.

To just let it in. However it wants to find me.

What about you? What do you think?

I’d like to here your thoughts on love? What does it mean to you?

Let me know in the comments below.


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