Last Wednesday I felt the subtle twinge my body offers me right before it gets sick…
So I took the hint and upped my bad ass immune boosting supplements right away.
These include: Counter Attack, Oregano Pills and Fire Cider.
These (in addition to probiotics and my morning smoothie that includes kale, ginger and turmeric) have kept me cold-free for the past 9 months and helped me avoid and flu and strep throat, twice.
This time the cold came anyway.
But on Thursday I thought a simple coffee meet up and a lunch would be fine. So I didn’t cancel. Instead I cleared my entire schedule for Friday and promised to rest.
But it was too late. Thursday wiped me.
But I rested all day Friday and Saturday afternoon.
Then I had a somewhat chill Saturday night but didn’t get to bed until 2am. (insert eye role)
Then there was Sunday with my fam.
And I threw my back out. Sneezing.
Yup. I’m over being mortified by this fact.
So yeah, I’m still sick. With a fever. Writing from bed.
It can be so challenging to find that balance of productivity, social connection and rest.
I know when I need to honor my body but I also want to honor my commitments.
And sometimes I just get stubborn and want to do what I want to do.
But my body wasn’t having it. So in bed I stayed.
This week is a simple reminder.
If you need rest. Give it to yourself.
If you are sick, take an actual sick day. Get a friend to watch your kids. Lay in bed. Sleep. You will heal faster. It’s just how it works.
And I know 101 reasons why that won’t work with your busy schedule may be tumbling out of your brain and onto your tongue right now.
But your body doesn’t give a shit about those excuses.
Your body just wants you to take care of it.
So I’m following my own advice and keeping this short and sweet.
Stay tuned next week as I celebrate 38 years on this planet.
I will be healthy AF.