This week I don’t have much to say. I don’t feel the need to talk about myself.
Shocking I’m know.
If you didn’t read last week’s blog you will get some BIG shares there.
So instead I will talk to you.
With what I hope is just the right balance of wisdom and woohoo…
Get comfy and take a deep breath. Here we go…
I want you to know that you’re evolving.
No matter what it is that you are moving towards, it’s happening. Can you feel it?
Remember that deep breaths are more powerful than we give them credit for. Take them.
In fact take one right now.
I want you to take a moment today and remind yourself how fucking powerful you are. It’s true. Don’t be afraid of it.
Give yourself permission to shine. You are the only one that get’s to give this permission.
Never forget that.
Allow yourself to make mistakes. In work. In your relationships. In life.
It’s part of the process of being human. Compassion is needed.
I see several clients a week. Women who dig deep and put in their effort and energy and time and money to reveal their most exquisite pieces of themselves.
I am here to tell you that you are already everything you need to be. 100%.
Just move aside and let yourself become what you have always been destined to be. Which is what you have actually been since the moment you took your first breath.
Love yourself. Just do it.
That is all.
Love. Love. Love.