I like sex. A lot.
I like to talk about it. I like to think about it. I like to be real about it.
And I definitely like having it.
It is a very BIG part of my life. Especially now.
I also teach yoga. Almost every day. It’s a BIG part of my life. Has been for over 15 years.
And yet I often feel that these two pieces can’t coexist together. At least not out in the open. Like my sexuality must be sequestered from the yoga world or else it will infect it.
I see and feel this in many ways.
Like when yoga teachers talk about the 2nd chakra but leave out any discussion around sexuality and pleasure even though the reproductive “sex organs” are a governed by this and it’s a big part of this chakra.
Or when yoga teachers (myself included) show a picture of themselves with some skin exposed but make it a point to let us know they don’t usually do this because they don’t want to contribute to the sexualization of yoga (which for the record I don’t think we always are.)
Or when we passive aggressively shame each other for a attempting to put a piece of our identity out in the open whether it be by a photo or a convo ect.
Or the sheer lack of open conversation around sex in the yoga communities or classes.
And I get it. Sex and sexuality are under a microscope in some ways right now.
Some people have trauma around sex and sexuality and we definitely want to honor that.
And overall sex is still taboo. It’s still part of the shadow.
Often times ignored. Repressed. Strangled.
That doesn’t feel like the path to healing. Healing requires light.
Over the past few years I have experienced a rebirth in my sexuality.
It’s something I have no desire to keep quite about.
I am a sexual being.
I am a yoga teacher.
I am a spiritual leader.
I am a transformation catalyst.
I am a lover.
I am a kinky wild woman.
I am a feminist.
All at the same time.
We can be all the things. We don’t need to hide any piece of ourselves. Let them all shine. Your glow will resonate in ways your words never could.

Photos by Joe Longo
I believe that the more we express ourselves as authentically as we can the more we give others permission to do the same.
And I know that my expression will be different than yours. That’s the beauty of it.
But let’s be clear on one thing…
I put my sexuality on display because it would be a lie not to. It’s bursting out of my cells.
I can not be contained.
Nor should I.
I prefer setting myself free.