Monday morning I woke up with the burning desire to get complete with all the shit that was draining my energy.
Some of you might not be following this woo woo energy talk so let me explain a bit further.
What I mean is that if you’re still thinking about something, if you still have strong feelings about something or if something feels like it’s even a little unfinished then guess what, it’s most likely draining your energy.
Whatever we put our thoughts and feelings into we put our energy into and this can totally deplete us.
Do you know what I mean? For me it feels like my brain, my heart and my body are holding too much and giving too much to things that aren’t giving back.
Hence the drain.
Think video game lives- boop beep boop- that was the life juice being drained. It’s kinda of like that. (Can you tell I don’t play videos games all that much? Although I slay at Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Jurassic Park.)
Anyways, things were draining me. I could feel it affecting my creativity, my inspiration and my abundance. Big time.
And they weren’t even big things, just a bunch of little things that added up. That’s usually how this stuff works. It can be sneaky
So I decided to do something about it.
After a two hour yoga and meditation practice I sat down and wrote all of the things I needed to do to get clear and then I started actually checking them off one by one. This list included:
Texting a handful of dudes I met on OKC and was trying to schedule either a first or follow up date but realized I didn’t really want to. I let them know so it didn’t take up any more space in my brain, or theirs for that matter.
Sending some emails about various matters that I wanted to talk about but never did and it felt like something was lingering or needed an explanation.
Canceling subscriptions I purchased for my biz that I don’ really need anymore. Oh and I called to cancel my satellite radio and wound up getting a deeply reduced rate. Score!
And a few other things I’ve had on my radar to do but hadn’t yet completed. I still have a few things on my list but about 80% is finished.
Can I get a high five?
Really it all started with a LONG overdue phone conversation I had this weekend with a family member where we cleared some major stuff.
Already I feel a shift. I have more energy, money feels like it’s flowing and I feel a bit lighter.
Yes, it was actually quite uncomfortable at first, which told me that I had definitely been avoiding these things but that’s the nature of letting stuff go.
So why was I feeling this way? Well after some moon research I discovered that this Friday is the Blood Moon.
Creepy right? Not really. This simply means is that we will experience a total lunar eclipse this Friday. But the cool thing is that this is the longest one of the 21st Century according to this article I read in Elite Daily.
The article tells us that Blood Moons bring BIG change and with this we might be feeling the emotional pulls of our shadows coming into the light. This often happens during full moons but the eclipse can enhance it. A lot.
Let’s just say the Blood Moon doesn’t play and isn’t really concerned with our comfort.
But for me this change came in the way of being ready to let shit go so that I can let in that which I have been manifesting.
So I invite you to do the same. What in your life is sucking your energy?
Do you need to have a conversation with some? Forgive someone? Text someone. Pay something off. Clear something?
Sometimes the other person doesn’t need to be involved. Sometimes you can do that part all on your own.
And while it might feel a little uncomfortable at first just think about all of the space you will be creating.
So let me know in the comments below. What are you going to get complete with? And then, of course, go do it!!
Photo by my boo- Nick Antony Photography.
(And yes alignment peeps I know my knee is locked.)
Hi Brittney.
Every morning I light my candle, pour my coffee, and make my list. I list a lot. I give myself a motivational pep talk and hope to complete my goals of the day. My lists contain little stuff that give birth to more little stuff and that is where I stay. I am a 62 year old daughter , sister, wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. I answer to anyone that calls for me to help out. Actually, I just answered a phone call from my son to care for my granddaughter as the babysitter called and cancelled for the day. and yes … my list just changed for the day.
My lists are important to me they keep me on track but the contract to complete them is never really signed. Is that because the small stuff is so safe, so understandable, so attainable? By writing, clean the kitchen allows me to let the kitchen become a messy place instead of the sacred nourishment alter to my body (another subject for a future discussion). My eyes scan the reality, promise the dream, and move on.
So, today, no yoga session, no clean kitchen, no returns to the store …. just time with my granddaughter. I know that is awesome but I feel conflicted about the messy kitchen and the list.
Needed to read this today. I will be attending your yoga class this afternoon at 4:30 ☺️
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