The Project I was Too Scared to Launch 4 Years Ago…

by brittanypolicastro

Five years ago I had this vision to create a free online event that involved amazing speakers from all over the country and participants from all over the world. 

I came very close to manifesting this vision.

I had a handful of speakers. An entire set up of topics. I had put dozens of hours of work into it.

But then I became discouraged by a few people who weren’t on board and had some valid reservations about some pieces of my project.

Just like that I became overwhelmed by the endeavor and let it stop before it ever really started.

A few years later I was working with a mystic and he told me, there is something you were going to do but didn’t because you let something discourage you. 

Immediately that project popped into my head. And then (this is the freaky part) without me actually voicing anything out loud, he said, YES! That’s it. What you’re thinking. That’s the thing. You needed to do that!

Yes, dude was totally reading my mind. Well actually he was speaking with my guides.

I know you may be skeptical but he got more detailed as I remained silent. It happened.

In response I did nothing.

Until now.

Well that’s not entirely true. Actually I planned to do this last year. One month after my wedding. Because clearly I had lost my mind.

When I came to my senses and realized that would have been bananas I was worried I would never actually do it.

I was afraid I would keep putting it off.

It’s easy not to trust ourselves when we’ve flaked in the past. But we owe it to ourselves to forgive our shit of the past. No one would ever get anywhere if they didn’t.

Finally I was ready. I reached out to speakers. I filmed amazing interviews. I got really good at editing and tech shit that makes my ears bleed.

I did the damn thing.

And there were moments when I didn’t believe I could. Moments when I thought I was sucking.

Moments when thought I couldn’t do certain pieces (like TECHNOLOGY!!!) because that shit pushes my buttons like nothing else.

But I did that damn thing.

So this is why this new project is SO very special to me. Because I tried it once and failed.

I failed because I didn’t ever really begin.

I let my fears and other people’s opinions sway me. I wasn’t as rooted in my sense of self as much as I am now. And my intentions weren’t as clear and heart-centered as they are now. 

So actually I feel like THIS is the exact time I am meant to share my new project with the world. A project that is completely different from the one I envisioned 4 years ago.

Putting ourselves out into the world in new ways and testing new parts of our brain can be incredibly scary and at times wildly frustrating. But what lives at the center of this is a deep trust in ourselves, our abilities and our bad-assery.

And it’s SO worth it.

So without further delay, here is the project that I was too scared to share with the world but now more ready than ever…

Please check it out. If you like this blog I know you will dig it…

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1 comment

Dad April 3, 2019 - 11:08 pm

Another great article Brittany,I have all the confidence in you, that you’re new project will be a success, just like you are a success you’ve always shown great wisdom and fortitude,you’re one amazing woman!! Love you!!😘❤️☮️

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