Words Can’t Quite Capture It but I’m Going to Try Anyway

by brittanypolicastro

Last week’s blog was really challenging for me to write.

I mean a lot of my posts are challenging but not like this one.

Shame. It’s been a major theme for me lately.

As I’m doing this tantra healing work (and let me tell you these practices are DEEP) slowing everything I am meant to purify and release is coming up.

Memories I haven’t thought of in years.

Connections to people in my life both present and past.

Everything is asking to be felt. Simply. Passionately. Purely.

And I’m feeling all the things. All the pieces that are clawing and also caressing for my attention.

I’ve always been a mistress of transformation. This much is clear. I seek it out, I let it both devour and empower me.

But something feels different. It feels like a collaboration like never before. I feel bold and yet shaky. Powerful and yet meek.

I think this is what it looks like when you begin to let go of control. Like really let go of it.

But also it feels like I am opening to a larger capacity to love myself because I’m finally relinquishing the control I need to have over others feelings about me.

It’s still hard to articulate. But I can feel the truth of it in my body. Pure and simple. Truth.

I’m accepting more. Judging less.

I’m recognizing my own personal sovereignty and this is allowing me to root more deeply into what I genuinely want even though there places in my mind where judgment still arises.

All this to say…

We are never complete on this journey of transformation. But also we don’t have to wrestle change to the ground. We can simply let it wash over us like a gentle wave.

That sounded cheesy. But it’s true.

We are truly the love we seek. But saying this doesn’t feel like enough. Those words don’t convey a truth that can’t really be voiced but only deeply felt.

I’m feeling those truths now. Acceptance is key.

Accept the shit out of yourself. No one can complete you. You are all the love you need.

And then how beautiful will all the relationships (both large and small, both romantic and platonic) be when we aren’t trying to pry love out of anyone but also share that which is already so inspired within.

Yup. That’s it.

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1 comment

Chris October 10, 2019 - 2:43 am

We are the love we feel. If that is true then no need to seek what we already feel within.

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