Four years ago I decided to start putting my heart on the page for you to see, feel and experience.
I’m not quite sure how I decided to write about my breakthroughs but it felt like a lovely way to share and at the same time process my experiences.
Is it a coincidence that 3 months later I opened my relationship and everything started to change? I think not.
From there, a more integrated and authentic version of myself started to blossom as I reclaimed my sexuality and redefined how I want my relationships to be and I’ve been able to document every step of my journey and all the bumps and breakthroughs a long the way.
So this week I’m celebrating!!
I’m celebrating 4 years of sharing raw, vulnerable and sometimes scary truths with you.
Celebrating feeling trepidatious about being judged, misunderstood and not accepted but putting myself out there anyway.
Celebrating saying the shit a lot of us think but don’t actually express.
Celebrating all of the growth and healing that has happened (not just for me but for you too) in the past 4 years.
From sharing my experience of having HSV, to revealing being polyamorous, to coming out as bisexual, to feeling the profound joy of marrying my husband and the deep grief of going through a breakup with another partner 4 days later, to expressing our decision to not have kids, this blog has been a platform for me to share it all.
It has been a beautiful opportunity for me to offer a different way to live, love, orgasm, heal and simply be that isn’t what is expected through the social norms that constrain us. A way that asks us to strip off the layers of conditioning we acquire as we move through the world.
This blog has been my way of processing my pain, my fear, my insecurities and my joy. It has helped me to see, hear, love and heal the pieces of myself I didn’t even know fully existed until I made space for them. This blog allowed me to make space for them.
Without this ability to share my truths I’m not sure how these last 4 years would have unfolded.
There is something about taking the time to write about my life in this way almost every week for the past 4 years that has been tremendously cathartic and transformative.
And in the upcoming months I’m brainstorming on how to take this to the next level by opening my platform up to share new voices and new perspectives other than my own. More on that in a bit!
For now, thank you for bearing witness to my words, my heart and my healing.
Through writing I’ve been able to connect with so many like minded hearts who have chosen to love as authentically and unapologetically as possible. And for that I am so grateful.
Here’s to many more years of deep authentic living and honest and raw breakthroughs.