The Power of Our Wedding Ritual (lots of pics!!)

by brittanypolicastro

Ritual is one of the most important pieces of my life.

I engage in rituals every single day from meditation, to clearing my energy, to lighting special candles to the way Nick and I say goodnight every night.

Ritual brings magic and intention in powerful ways.

So of course when Nick and I were planning our wedding ceremony ritual needed to be a BIG part of it.

From picking friends to saging our guests and having everyone put their phones in a sealed envelope so they could be present, to having friends speak to our core values, to having the ceremony surrounded by trees, every single piece was intentional.

In case you were curious, our core values are:

Love. Joy. Communication. Passion. Freedom. Compassion.

Our ceremony was hands down my favorite part of the day. I was so present, so full of love, so in the moment, so carefree. It was amazing.

And while I felt the beauty and power of that day I don’t think I realized how impactful our ritual really was until I saw the results in the days and now months to follow.

Everything that needed to fall away do I could be fully present with Nick (including my other relationship) did.

I’ve been able to focus on myself in such deep ways and in turn am able to show up in my anchor relationship with Nick in ways I never could before.

And while we are still Polyamorous and I will eventually date again, I now have a new commitment and rooted awareness of how I want to show up in my relationships and what we need to thrive.

I attribute all of this to the power of that day and our rituals.

To to the fact that we stood in front of those we love and who love us and stated our needs and our commitments.

And that we did so in laughter and love and pure joy.

The following are lots of my favorite pics from that magical day. I can feel the magic just looking at them.

It’s taken me a while to be able to feel the joy of that day because grief demanded my attention but that’s the beauty of love, it will wait for you to bask in it’s glow.

Thank you to Wojtaszek Weddings for capturing our joy.

Nick seeing me for the first time.
Our ceremony was in our favorite park not far from our home surrounded by trees.
Every guest was saged and asked to put their phone in an envelope so they could be clear and present.
Nick’s sister, Candice officiated the ceremony and grounded all of us in the beginning.
We picked several friends to speak to our core values through song, poems and other creative expressions.
Like getting showered with rose petals.
Then we spoke our vows that we created individually to each other.
And exchanged rings with each other’s fingerprints on them.
And jumped the broom.

And kissed!
Then danced our way out to Stevie Wonder (of course).
Of course I had to connect with the trees
And give lots of hugs.
Truly it was a magical day.

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Tom Rowan February 20, 2019 - 9:19 pm

Wedding pics tell a wonderful moment in two persons lives to move ahead together. It is a new beginning. It is a moment to accept this new reality and person in your life. It is also a m9ment to commit to grow as a person, each of you and the new couple. Thanks for sharing.

Bre February 20, 2019 - 11:11 pm

“…that’s the beauty of love, it will wait for you to bask in it’s glow.” SO beautiful, as are the pics!! Thank you for sharing your special day…sending love to you both! <3

Anonymous February 27, 2019 - 9:45 pm

beautiful. Thank you for sharing your special day <3

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