You Probably Won’t Be Surprised That This is My Next Big Career Step

by brittanypolicastro

Sixteen years ago (almost to the day) I began my very first yoga teacher training.

It was just a 50-hour training and it almost didn’t happen because I had a million and one reasons why it shouldn’t:

I’d only been practicing yoga for a year. At 23 and on my own, I didn’t have the money for a training.

In my mind this would happen down the road in three or four years.

But I was meant to be teaching yoga. In fact by the time I actually started the training I was already teaching 13 yoga classes a week.

Yes, back then things were a bit more casual. But really, teaching yoga was in my blood. I kicked ass then and I kick ass now. Just more embodied and skilled.

But it took me years to fully commit to my career as a yoga teacher.

I clung to the idea of being a successful lawyer and the money and status I believed accompanied that particular profession since I was 11 years old.

Plus 16 years ago when I told someone I taught yoga for a living the response I often received was “oh, well at least you get to work out.”

Of course I now know it had nothing to do with anyone else but only my own insecurities and inability to see that I can be successful and thriving in whatever I put my heart and my energy into.

In time I committed. But it took years. It took me changing almost every single piece of my life and then landing in new skin, new priorities, new friendships and a new approach at my yoga teaching.

That was 10 years ago. The same time I started diving into humanitarian work, and traveling to spots like Cambodia and Tanzania and India and Brazil and craving a much deeper more embodied way of being.

I finally knew who I was and what my purpose was and how to engage with the world in a real and authentic way.

So that’s what I did mostly through my yoga classes and yoga teacher trainings and yoga videos. And it made me happy.

Then a little over three years ago things began to shift.

I found myself using my years of facilitating, various trainings and personal therapeutic work to engage with clients in a much deeper, transformative way, per my students’ requests of wanting to do this kind of work with me.

I started collaborating with a bad ass PhD level sexologist teaching a two day intensive called Sexual Being.

I don’t even remember how it all happened. The next thing I know it was just in my life. Because it needed to be.

Around this time I started writing this blog and with it sharing more intimate and raw pieces of myself, which of course included coming out about having an STI as a way to release some of the shame and stigma.

Then I opened my relationship.

Then I started experiencing kink.

Then I started having more orgasms than ever before.

Then I realized I was polyamorous.

Then I connected with my bisexuality

Then I started talking about all of this shit.

At first it was really scary to fully embrace all of these new pieces of myself. Everyone knew me as a yoga teacher. This was the identity I’d cultivated for myself for the past 14 years. Suddenly it felt like this was changing.

But that’s the thing about our “identities.” They aren’t really who we are. If they were they wouldn’t be able to change and morph and shift. And they absolutely can.

Our identities are simply a piece of our ego wanting to categorize, separate and stand out.

Yes, teaching yoga is a massive part of my life and probably always will be but it’s not actually who I am. Just like this new path and new identity I’m about to take on isn’t actually who I am either.

My ego is kicking and screaming as I write this by the way.

But I digress.

I held on to a lot of shame around being a sexual, kinky, orgasmic woman who absolutely LOVES talking about sex.

Please note this is just another identity, still not who I truly am. I am and you are much deeper than all of these identities we cling to.

But now, I’m embracing this part of myself fully.

Just last week I began a 1.5 year certification program to become a certified Authentic Tantra sex coach and eventually accredited sexologist.


And let me just say that I am currently SUPER excited and even a bit attached to this new identity. In time I know it will filter it’s way through me allowing me to authentically embrace it.

But right now it’s just SO fucking cool and I’m feeling really proud of myself for taking this step. With a side of holy shit, or course.

And just like when I considered taking my first yoga teacher training I thought I would be doing this in two or three years. Not now.

I was on a track to become a yoga therapist. I already had level one and two trainings under my belt.

Since I already began I felt I had to finish what I started. Because in the past I was known for starting projects and never completing them.

But the more I sat with it I realized that while I use a lot of the skills I’ve learned in these yoga therapy trainings, I don’t see myself teaching full blown sessions.

I do however see myself coaching clients to grow their orgasmic potential and explore their sexual power and heal and transform their lives through the power of these tantra practices.

This shit is amazing. And I am now getting to learn all about it.

And talk about it. And practice it.

I mean hell some of my homework will eventually be masterbating. Umm how fucking awesome is that?!

I never dreamed my life would take me in this direction but that is why life is mystery.

We don’t really know what it truly holds for us but if we remain open enough to flow with it, life will take us where we want and need to go. It is when we become rigid with expectations and cling to our identities that we can miss the perfect unfolding of our lives.

It takes courage to do this kind of shit. Because it’s scary.

But the payoff is so equisite because when we follow our truth it will take us where we need to go.

So let me ask you…

What are you putting off? What are pushing against? Where does your life want to take you? What would it take to let it?

Simply follow the bread crumbs. They will take you where you need to go.

I am so excited to share with you all of the breakthroughs I know will come from the work I will be doing over the next year and a half. Buckle up my friends!

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Darsi September 11, 2019 - 8:35 pm

Woo! Go girl!

brittanypolicastro September 11, 2019 - 9:21 pm

Thank you!!! 🙂

chris September 12, 2019 - 5:39 am

kama sutra. Sex is your passion. So why not help people who experience sexual dysfunction. This is far more respectable than prostitution. I am assuming your therapy will not involve actually having carnal sex with your clients.

Good luck. I suggest you read psychopathia sexualis:

John Oliver Mason September 18, 2019 - 8:56 pm

God bless you for doing this.

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