It Feels So Vulnerable to Ask for This Kind of Support

by brittanypolicastro

If you told me 10 years ago I would be training to become a Tantric Sex Coach I would have thought that sounds cool AF but that you were talking about someone else.

Twenty-nine year old Brittany, while vivacious and dedicated to her craft was also repressed and bound by guilt and shame she didn’t even know existed.

Shame from having genital herpes for the past 8 years. Shame from having sexual needs and desired that wouldn’t even begin to surface for 8 more years. Shame for growing up with a religion that didn’t allow space for sexual sovereignty.

Shame is so tricky and effective. It keeps parts of ourselves in the shadows where it can continue to thrive. Shame breeds on the fact that we won’t talk about whatever “it” is.

But slowly my shadows began to crawl out and into the light and I began to talk about all of the things I used to be ashamed of.

That is one reason why writing this blog has been so very healing for me. It’s given me a platform to express myself and in turn free those pieces I was once so disconnected from.

As a result my life has blossomed in so many ways I could never have fathomed.

I never expected part of my purpose would be healing the disconnected pieces of my sexual self and empowering others to do the same.

I never thought I’d be talking so opening and freely about my sexuality and my relationships as a way to normalize sex and kink and consensual non-monogamy.

I never knew I’d be welcoming in so many different kinds of relationships and exploring so many different forms of intimacy.

I never knew that exploring sexuality could be so sacred and provide such a gateway for healing and transforming and even transcending beyond the bondage of my ego.

But alas all of these things are true. We never truly know what life has in store for us. All we can do is continue to keep our hearts and minds open as much as possible while dancing with the edge of our comfort zone.

And if all of that wasn’t vulnerable enough I am doing something I have NEVER done on my blog.

Now I am asking you for your support.

There is a piece of me that doesn’t want to do this because the voices in my head tell me it’s not “professional” or “right.” But a deeper part of me knows that is just my ego talking.

I truly believe we are meant to support each other and asking for help when we need it is part of healing our disconnected culture. Community is such a powerful way to accomplish our dreams.

So here is my ask…

In September I began a 15 month Authentic Tantra certification program so that I can become a Tantric sex coach and be able to apply for accreditation as a sexologist with the American College is Sexology.

I created a Go Fund Me campaign to help me raise the remaining $6000 I need to fund the program.

The total of the program is $13,000 as it is one of the most comprehensive out there.

It is the only in North America that is government accredited and acknowledged by the ACS as an approved training Institute in the field of sexology.

It would mean so much to me to receive your support in this. I have fundraised in the past for the humanitarian work I’ve done but never for something that was solely for my own personal and professional evolution .

It feels vulnerable to ask for support in this way but also beautiful. I love the idea of reaching out to my community and the feeling that we then become even more connected as a result.

If you’d like to support me you can do so by clicking this link to donate (you can also share it with someone who might be down to support me as well):

And if supporting me in this way doesn’t resonate with you it’s all good. I hope you will continue to share this journey with me in whatever way does.

Either way, thank you from the bottom and top of my heart.

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