On Sunday a song popped up in my Spotify weekly mix that really spoke to me.
It’s called Letting in from Beauville, check it out, it’s so good!
I had just finished a long and sweaty yoga practice and felt particularly open. Perhaps more than I have in a while.
In it he says this beautiful line:
Gonna take her to the water and jump right in. Letting go is the same as letting in.
When I heard that last line tears sprung to my eyes. For some reason I have never fully considered this.
I’ve never fully considered the fact that letting go is the same as letting in. But it totally is.
Because so often when we let go what drops are our defenses. Our need to be in control. Our resistance.
And when those blocks release we can let in the love, support and wisdom that was right at our door.
The very next night I had an experience just like that. I let go. Totally. Utterly. Completely. In every possible way.
I let myself get completely vulnerable, completely raw and let go of all control. I never do that. I am always managing my experience in some way.
I always have my boundaries in place. I always make sure I don’t take on too much. I don’t give too much. I’m always making sure I am safe.
Honestly, that shit is exhausting.
But I was able to have an experience where none of that mattered. Where for just a short while I let go of it all.
It was so liberating. To get out of my head. To let go.
I know some of you are probably wondering what experience I’m talking about??
Let’s just say that in this past year I have been playing with control and how to release it in safe, consensual, healthy and sexual ways.
I will talk more on this in the future. I can feel it. Just not quite yet.
But what followed after the letting go was totally a letting in. Of love.
The energy of love. Not the concept. Not the love that has hooks and expectations and needs.
Just love.
I feel like that song was foreshadowing something for me. It was telling me that it’s ok to let go. It’s ok to let in.
And so I want to remind you of the same thing.
You don’t have to hold it all together all the time. Life will hurt either way. Why not see what happens when you simply trust life.
More times than not your life will hold you. The net will appear. You will be supported.
I think this is available to all of us. The thing is we can’t control it. We can only allow it.
First we let go. Then we let in.
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